Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drinking Water before meals can help Dieters lose weight

Drink water to lose weight!

It was no surprise that I have a long-term interest in dieting. I always find new ways to lose weight – justified, in particular, the assistance of ideas that operate in the long term –, so I was interested to read about new research that shows that dieters helps your meal Al drinking water.

It is not a completely new meaning – drinking water to meet is one that appears in more than one diet – but it is great to see some scientific research subject.

The investigation lasted for 12 weeks and was accompanied by dieters two groups, all aged between 55 and 75 years old. The first group was in line with the trend of low-calorie diet and all excess water does not drink before they ate their meals.After the second group with the same low-calorie diet, but drank two glasses of water prior to the beginning of each of their meals.

Guess what the result was?Pre-meal to enjoy the water in the second group lost more weight than those who do not drink much water. it was a reasonable amount to be an integral part of the weight of too-5,5 lbs – that is the values only for drinking water.

Senior Research agent, Brenda Davy from Virginia Tech's pointed out that it was the first randomised after controlled view the effects of drinking water to lose weight.The investigation also revealed that dieters who drink two glasses of water before your meal Al consume less calories than water within a 75-90. Best, they successfully to keep their weight of not less than 12 months.

I think it is an interesting study does not work, because the water fulfils the stomach up, you feel full, so there is less to eat your meal Al too much, the conclusion seems. inclination

There are a lot of literature about importance of drinking plenty of water daily for general health or well-being, and if the little extra before your meal Al fill me up and help to beat hunger pangs, then I am for it! (I) be responsible for putting them into the idea of the test this month – the fingers on the saapumistullitoimipaikkaa help me lose some extra pounds.

If you are not a big fan of water, the theory goes, low-calorie, sugar-free a drink fizzy should have the same effect before meals.



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